Welcome to NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED , where innovation meets excellence. We are a forward-thinking company committed to making a meaningful impact on the world through our diverse range of services and products.
NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non-govt company, Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Activities based, Company limited by Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 08-07-2021 with ₹ 1500000.00 authorized capital and ₹ 1500000.00 paid up capital. The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U24110HR2021PTC096165 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in Haryana state and at present the company status is Active. Registered office address of NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is GROUND FLOOR, PART-1, 75,SECTOR-17HUDA, NEAR BY JINDAL HOSPITAL and RoC-Delhi is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
Founded in 08-07-2021, NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED has evolved from a small startup into a globally recognized corporation. Our journey has been characterized by determination, passion, and an unwavering dedication to pushing boundaries. Over the years, we have harnessed our expertise and creativity to drive transformative change across various industries.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is U24110HR2021PTC096165
The NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 08-07-2021.
The NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Activities works.
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08-07-2021 | FLAT NO. 301, GH-54, SAMAR APARTMENTS,SECTOR 20,
The Private company SEGEN SYNERGY PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on SEGEN SYNERGY PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 106 1st FloorNear RBSM School, Sohna Road
The Private company XARABTEC EMPLOYEE'S CONSTRUCTION INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on XARABTEC EMPLOYEE'S CONSTRUCTION INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on NECKIN BIOREMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Apartment No-5-903, Sector-70
The Private company PANIPAT BITUMEN PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on PANIPAT BITUMEN PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Garden Heights 2, PHA, Gurgaon OneSector 22
The Private company SYNQIT INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on SYNQIT INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company SPOONTYPE PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on SPOONTYPE PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 944, Block C, Sushant Lok 1,
The Private company LILYZH INFORMATION INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on LILYZH INFORMATION INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Flat No 1002, Block No. 02Avl36, Manesar
The Private(One Person Company) company NGEL LIGHT MARKETING (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on NGEL LIGHT MARKETING (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | C/O SURENDRA PAL Opp Mini Secretariatward no - 13 Hailey Mandi Pataudi
The Private company HYGENUS FORMULATION PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on HYGENUS FORMULATION PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Plot No.147, Gali No.75,Sanjay ColonySector-22
The Private company AK ANTHEM HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on AK ANTHEM HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Plot No. 31, IDCIndustrial Area,
The Private company GRL UTAL PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on GRL UTAL PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | PLOT NO. 21, sECTOR-14, PHASE-2HSIIDC IMT BAWAL,
The Private company MAVERICK FLEXI KEM PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on MAVERICK FLEXI KEM PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Plot No.3, Shakti Colony, Kurahwata RoadNarnaul, Near Shri Krishna School
The Private company GROHEQ MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on GROHEQ MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Second Floor, 12 F-5 Vatika, India Next
The Private company CARSHOKEEN PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on CARSHOKEEN PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company R.R.C. GLOBAL ROADWAYS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on R.R.C. GLOBAL ROADWAYS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | S. No. 106, First Floor, Shiv PlaceCivil Line
The Private company STROFFERS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on STROFFERS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Property No 37 Second Floor,Saraswati Kunj Sector 54
The Private company HILDENE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on HILDENE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | U-18/63,Pink Town House, DLF Ph-3,
The Private company CASEJAMMING PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on CASEJAMMING PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company OMMG INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on OMMG INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company DHARI TREE ORGANICS MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on DHARI TREE ORGANICS MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 1ST FLOOR, H.NO- 235, SEC. 16, U.E,
The Private company JUST CRED FOUNDATION was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on JUST CRED FOUNDATION is available here.
08-07-2021 | #1392, B1 Abdullapur, PinjoreTehsil - Kalka
The Private company ALLWALKS HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on ALLWALKS HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 958/31 KAMAL NAGAR
The Private company MR PAWARIYAS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on MR PAWARIYAS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Plot No. 385, Gali No. 7Kadipur Industrial Area
The Private company HYBRID MATERIALS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on HYBRID MATERIALS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 40 D ,JCM ,DLF -2
The Private company 811 WIND DOWN FOUNDATION was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on 811 WIND DOWN FOUNDATION is available here.
08-07-2021 | PLOT NO.170,PHASE II, HSIIDC,
The Private company ARTIZE DIE MAKERS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on ARTIZE DIE MAKERS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company ALICANTO BIOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on ALICANTO BIOTECH PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | Plot No. A-146Suncity Township Sector 6&7
The Private company BSM BUILDWELL PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on BSM BUILDWELL PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | 373, Sector 9,Near Gyan Devi School
The Private company KANUCT PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on KANUCT PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
08-07-2021 | EFP 21/0502 Emaar Emerald Floor PremierSector 65, Golf Course Extension Road
The Private company CAAS & BEN PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 08-07-2021. All of the information on CAAS & BEN PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.