Welcome to FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED , where innovation meets excellence. We are a forward-thinking company committed to making a meaningful impact on the world through our diverse range of services and products.
FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non-govt company, Electricity, Gas & Water companies Activities based, Company limited by Shares Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 12-09-2021 with ₹ 100000.00 authorized capital and ₹ 100000.00 paid up capital. The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is U40106TG2021PTC154875 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Private company and it was registered in Telangana state and at present the company status is Active. Registered office address of FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is Plot No 46, House No 4-9-10HMT Nagar and RoC-Hyderabad is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.
Founded in 12-09-2021, FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED has evolved from a small startup into a globally recognized corporation. Our journey has been characterized by determination, passion, and an unwavering dedication to pushing boundaries. Over the years, we have harnessed our expertise and creativity to drive transformative change across various industries.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is U40106TG2021PTC154875
The FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on 12-09-2021.
The FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED has been registered in Private Class
FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is registerd for doing Electricity, Gas & Water companies Activities works.
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The Private company JENOVEX SOFTWARE PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on JENOVEX SOFTWARE PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 1-7-55/3/6, Road No. 2,Srinivas Nagar Colony, Alwal,
The Private company YEILDING SOURCES REFORM PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on YEILDING SOURCES REFORM PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Plot no 3, Anuradha ColonyLB Nagar
The Private company BLUE PROSPER SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on BLUE PROSPER SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Plot No 46, House No 4-9-10HMT Nagar
The Private company FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on FP SONNEN PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 2nd Floor, H.No.15-72/129Sri Vidya Township, Nadergul, Badangpet
The Private company ALM UNIVERSAL CHIT FUNDS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on ALM UNIVERSAL CHIT FUNDS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private company FITRIDE LABS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on FITRIDE LABS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 8-2-293/82/A/17, Road No. 5,Jubliee Hills,
The Private company ALCOM EXTRUSIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on ALCOM EXTRUSIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 414/A, SRT COLONY, YAKUTPURA
The Private company MDMLAB PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on MDMLAB PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Plot No. 47-III, 8-2-293/82/JIII/47,Road No. 76, Jubilee Hills,
The Private company C7 COMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on C7 COMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
The Private(One Person Company) company IOFFICIUM (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on IOFFICIUM (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 8-1-40/A/22/A, F no-502, Samatha ColonyNear Azan International School, Shaikpet
The Private company SMARTLIFT MACHINERY TRADING AND RENTAL PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on SMARTLIFT MACHINERY TRADING AND RENTAL PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 8-3-988/10/6/301SBH Colony Yousufguda Road
The Private company AMPLIFICATION HUB PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on AMPLIFICATION HUB PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | 11-1-202/3/B 2nd floor aghapura,
The Private company SHREE SALASAR LAM ART PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on SHREE SALASAR LAM ART PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Flat No 201, HNo. 3-6-106/3Legend Jasmine Apartments, Himayathnagar
The Private company MY BEAUTY BY S INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on MY BEAUTY BY S INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Door No. 1-5-b/176/1Sainikpuri, Kapra
The Private company NAVAKISAN BIO SCIENCE FARMING PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on NAVAKISAN BIO SCIENCE FARMING PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | Plot no. 281, Shiva Nagar, KapraBehind Bharat Petroleum
The Private company JOITA FASHION & ELITE EVENTS PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on JOITA FASHION & ELITE EVENTS PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.
12-09-2021 | H.No.8-7-133/32Ghori Nagar, Old Bowenpally,Secunderabad
The Private company CRUIZER INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 12-09-2021. All of the information on CRUIZER INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED is available here.